Yoga might seem like something the younger generation is taking hold of, but it’s a valuable form of exercise anyone of any age group can try. Yoga is an excellent option for seniors. Several poses are easily accessible for the older generation, assisting with body movements and overall health in the later years of life.
If you’re interested in learning more about the best yoga poses for seniors, you’re in the right place. The more you know about these senior poses, the easier it will be for you or a loved one to take on an adventure into the yoga world. Keep reading to learn more about our top picks for senior yoga positions.
New to yoga? Check out our What is Yoga article first to become familiar with the activity!
Tree Pose
Tree Pose is a simple yoga option and one of the best in yoga for senior citizens. To complete Tree Pose, stand up straight. If possible, take one leg and place your foot on your thigh so you’re standing on one foot. Then, bring your hands into a prayer position. Take 5-8 breaths before repeating the process.
If you want better abdominal and leg strength, along with improved balance and composition, Tree Pose is for you. It’s a more advanced version of the Mountain Pose, which we’ll dive into next.

Mountain Pose
Mountain Pose is an excellent option in yoga for elderly beginners as it isn’t very complex, but it stretches out the body in a good way. It also doesn’t require strenuous motion, keeping the older body safe throughout the process. Stand tall and have your heels together and your big toes touching. Then stand up straight and relax your shoulders, breathing 5-8 times.
The goal of Mountain Pose is to benefit the arches located in your legs, feet, and ankles. With its upright and powerful stance, Mountain Pose is one of the best ways for seniors to better balance and strength without doing anything too crazy to their body.
Cat-Cow Pose
Another popular choice for older adults is the Cat-Cow Pose. This pose allows the body to release stiffness, better strength in the core, lengthen the spine, circulate the pelvic floor, and more. It’s also simple, which makes it easy for anyone to learn.
Cat-Cow Pose can be done in a seated position, so even those incapable of getting on their hands and knees will have an opportunity to participate. It’s one of the most versatile yoga selections, offering opportunities for the young and old alike. Simply sit in the chair, inhale and arch to look up, exhale through your spine, then round your back and bend forward. Repeat.
Downward Facing Dog
Downward Facing Dog is a classic in the yoga world, whether you’re diving into 7-minute yoga for seniors online or an in-person class. No matter where you go, Downward Facing Dog is one of the most popular. For seniors, it’s more than popular – it also assists with strength in the body and flexibility and joint health during the aging process.
Start on your hands and knees. Then, tuck your toes and lift your hips to make a triangle with your body. Hold for five to eight breaths, then release and come back down again. Some might hold it longer, while others might need to start small at first and slowly build up to the iconic triangle position.

Hero Pose
Next on our list of senior yoga sequences is Hero Pose. This position takes the study that yoga prevents frailty in seniors to an entirely new level. Hero Pose is a unique position to be in, offering benefits like strengthening the arch, stretching anything in the leg area, and more.
Rest on your knees and then pull your knees together, allowing for eighteen inches of room between your feet. Exhale and lower your rear to go between your feet. Sit straight, hold this position, and rest your hands on your lap until it’s time to move forward.
Cobbler’s Pose
Cobbler’s Pose in senior yoga is a must because it allows access to the feet, which can often hurt tremendously for a senior who has been on the move for most of their life. It permits those in the older age group to loosen up their hips and provide massages to their feet, all while meditating and taking slow breaths.
To complete Cobbler’s Pose and access its study-proven ability to build flexibility and increase bone strength, sit on the ground and press your feet together like your legs are a butterfly. Sit as tall as you can and control your legs by bringing them together with your hands. If you want a deeper stretch, gently lean forward into your feet.

Sphinx Pose
Last on our list is Sphinx Pose. Yoga proves to enhance fitness levels and, therefore, overall health, and this pose is no different. With the Sphinx, you’ll experience an improvement to the strength of your upper back and even a shift in any forward head syndrome systems you or a loved one might be experiencing at this stage of life.
To complete the Sphinx, lie on a yoga mat and put your forearms square on the mat. Your elbows should sit right under your shoulders. From there, use the pressure of your forearms to press your shoulder blades together and lift your abdominals while pushing your back down. It’s very gentle and will open the chest without tearing or ripping anything.
Related: The Different Types of Yoga
Final Thoughts on Yoga Poses for Seniors
Overall, there are many different yoga poses available for seniors. From the Tree Pose to the Sphinx Pose, each offers a varying benefit to the body and will help you or a loved one live a happier, healthier life in motion.
Whether you want to try yoga at home or with a group in a studio, there are plenty of options! If you or a loved one lives in assisted living, there is a chance they offer free yoga events. The yoga universe is massive, and anyone of any age is welcome to take a step into it.
Not sure if yoga is for you? Tai Chi is another form of exercise that you may enjoy. Discover the Health Benefits of Tai Chi and see if it might be the right choice for you!