
a man at sunrise with his arms outstretched

What Are the Health Benefits of Meditation?

As you age, your body needs more and more care and attention to ensure it is healthy and strong. Though many might think...


a woman sitting on the grass stretching physical fitness for seniors
Physical Fitness

Physical Fitness for Seniors: A Path to Healthy Aging

Aging is a natural part of life, but staying physically active can make a world of difference in how we experience it. Physical...

an instant pot on a counter next to a cutting board tips for using an instant pot

11 Tips for Cooking with an Instant Pot

An Instant Pot is an excellent cooking device, offering a simple way to pull together a dish with minimal work. It can be...

a man wearing a red shirt holding a hand to his ear what to do when you think you need hearing aids

What to Do When You Think You Need Hearing Aids

Whether from the body itself or an outside source, it’s normal for individuals to experience hearing loss, especially as they grow older. One...

a half constructed gingerbread house and thread on a white tablecloth holiday treats
Recipes for SeniorsWellness

15 Easy Holiday Treats to Bake this Winter Season

The holidays are the ideal time to stay inside and bake to your heart’s content. With many baking options, it can be tricky...


10 best low vision aids someone holding their glasses up in a blurry environment

10 Best Assistive Devices for Low Vision

Although scientists are working on a way to reverse aging in the eye with various developments like gene therapy, it’s inevitable for many...

a small child resting their hand on that of an elderly grandparent forgetfulness, when is memory loss dangerous

Forgetfulness: When is Memory Loss Dangerous?

Taking care of an aging loved one is a special gift. One of the most troubling factors an individual can encounter when caring...

an older man looking at a sepia photo the 13 best memory aids

The 13 Best Memory Aids

Memory loss, though not ideal in aging, happens to many people as they grow older. For some, it’s as simple as occasionally forgetting...

what is assisted living an older woman holding a coffee cup

What is Assisted Living?

Assisted living can sound like a bad word when thinking about it for your family member. To some, it seems like a prison,...

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Everyday Essentials

the word lonely spelled on brown wood

How to Deal With Loneliness During the Holiday Season

The holidays are one of the happiest times of the year, but it can be tricky to enjoy them if you’re an older...

a plate of fancy food on a table

How Caregivers Can Encourage Proper Nutrition

Navigating the changing landscape of dietary needs as we age doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It’s about making informed choices that suit your...

a zoomed in photo of an ornament on a tree

10 Ways to Make the Holidays Special as a Caregiver

Being someone’s caregiver is a lot of work. Whether you are currently caring for a family member, or work as a caregiver full...