One nice thing about aging is that your life will eventually become less stressful and hectic. First, the kids will grow to be more independent; then they’ll eventually move out, and, at some point, you’ll retire—giving you lots of time to pick up new hobbies.
Of course, while we highly recommend picking up an active hobby, we also recommend picking up a few books. Many individuals in America read during their school years only to never read again, missing out on the joy that can be found in so many amazing books!
Below, we’ve listed some of the books you absolutely must read during your lifetime, so definitely head over to your local library (or so you don’t miss out! Thanks to the invention of audiobooks, even if you struggle with your vision, you can still enjoy these amazing titles!
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1. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron
Originally penned in Spanish, The Shadow of the Wind is nothing short of a modern classic. Written about Spain in the 1940s, this book is fiction but will quickly have you questioning what is real and what isn’t. It’s the first book in a quartet, which has already been finished, as the author sadly passed away in 2020.
2. A Court of Thrones and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
Sarah J. Maas is one of the hottest names in literature right now, and it’s because she writes some amazing books! All of her books are in the fantasy genre, but they contain a fair amount of romance, giving them the label romantasy, which is a new word used to describe these types of genre-hopping books. We recommend starting with her most popular title, A Court of Thrones and Roses.
No matter what you’ve read before, her books will have you hooked within a few pages, and there are 16 of them as of 2024, so just reading her backlist could keep you busy for a while.
3. The Secret History by Donna Tartt
Donna Tartt is known for the fact that she only releases books once every decade—and for a good reason. Her books are long but poetic and gripping, all of them containing stories that will leave you thinking. The Secret History is the story of a college undergrad named Richard and the odd group he finds himself intertwined with. Although the subject matter can be tough to read at times, you will find yourself easily enthralled by his story.
4. Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky
Children of Time is a jaw-dropping sci-fi novel that covers the topic of “What would happen if another species, other than humans, evolved to be at the top of the food chain?” This whole book conquers this what-if, and there are two more books that propose the what-if question in a different way.
These books are awe-inspiring, gripping, and will leave you thinking for weeks—or longer. They are an absolute must-read.

5. The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R Tolkien
Everyone knows that the book is always better than the movie, and despite the several films made about this famous trilogy, we promise you will discover new details when you read the books.
If you didn’t know, entire characters were omitted when writing the Lord of the Rings screenplay, and several were added in, making these two renditions of this classic story as far apart as night and day. So, if you haven’t read them yet, definitely take the time to read them now!
6. Caraval by Stephanie Garber
Caraval is a modern-day Alice in Wonderland-type story, as it follows the lives of two young women as they find themselves trapped in a magical carnival game. Caraval occurs on an island, and the two sisters must participate or die trying. With crazy aspects like a dress that adapts to the emotions of the wearer and the ability to sell days of your life to get clues to the game, this book is a fun read that will have your head positively spinning.
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7. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck
As depressing as it is captivating, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck has long been a classic that is nearly impossible to put down. The story of a family heading west during the Great Depression; you know from the beginning that nothing can go well for this crew, yet you’ll stay until the end just because you have to know what happens.
8. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Another classic that you probably found too difficult to read as a young adult, Pride and Prejudice, is a love story to top all love stories. It has been adapted and used as inspiration for many other stories, and you’ll be intrigued to see the story that started it all. Be careful picking this book up, though, as you won’t want to put it down until you finish.

9. Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Memoirs of a Geisha is a captivating tale of a Geisha growing up in the 1930s. While the book is fictional, it covers a great deal of actual history and customs Geisha performed during the time period. By halfway through, your mouth will be hanging open, and we guarantee you won’t be able to predict how this book ends.
10. One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig
Fans of nursery rhymes and poetry will love One Dark Window by Rachel Gillig. The story of a fictional town that possesses playing cards that give the holder the specified magic listed on the card, this fantasy tale is like no other. The tale is dark and twisted, which is a direct contradiction of Gillig’s flowery prose. If you can stomach this book, we guarantee that it is one you won’t forget anytime soon!
11. Moloka’i by Alan Brennert
Moloka’i is a part of a Hawaiian island, but what many don’t know is that the island was used to isolate those who were sick with leprosy until the mid-20th century—we aren’t kidding. While the story in this book is fictionalized, it is based on true accounts of many individuals who were subject to the horrors that happened on the island before a cure was found for leprosy in the 1960s.
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