Home Travel 10 Tips for Eating Healthy When Eating Out

10 Tips for Eating Healthy When Eating Out

10 tips for eating healthy when eating out a restaurant table with several dishes on it
Image from Unsplash.

It’s easy enough to eat healthy at home when you only have access to the ingredients you’ve purchased from the store. But when eating out, it can feel impossible to land a nutritional choice on the go. Luckily, there are a couple of ways you can actively choose to eat much healthier without skipping out on your favorite place to eat.

Though it might take patience, eating healthy in a restaurant will make you feel much better. Keep reading to learn more about ten of the best ways to add some nutrition to your diet while still enjoying your time out. For seniors, it’s critical to stay on top of your health – even the smallest adjustments will make a difference.

1. Swap Fries for Veggies

When considering how to eat out healthier than before, one of the first places you should look are the sides – where can you swap out something unhealthy for something a little better for you? Instead of opting for the fries that usually come with sandwiches and steaks, see if you can swap out a vegetable for the fried potatoes.

One study shows that those who eat vegetables and fruits have a lessened risk of heart disease and stroke, among a reduction of potential injury in other areas. Most people don’t get enough vegetables anyway, so this is an easy way to get some on your plate without cooking them yourself.

Related: Healthy Eating Hacks for Seniors

2. Order An Appetizer As a Meal

If you don’t want to eat an entire meal thanks to the excessive calories, try ordering an appetizer as a meal. People are more likely to overeat if they’re served larger portions. An appetizer is typically a much smaller portion, which means there aren’t ample items to eat too much in the first place. 

Opt for a healthier appetizer if you want to eat well, along with the smaller portion size. For instance, veggie quesadillas or veggie rolls are a great alternative to a meal of a cheeseburger and fries.

a woman eating at a restaurant with friends
Image from Unsplash.

3. Read the Menu Ahead of Time

If you’re in a group setting, it’s easy to feel rushed and land on a random menu item if you don’t know what you’re getting into ahead of time. Typically, you’ll end up with something unhealthy or a healthy menu item that doesn’t taste very good.

Stop this unfortunate menu-picking operation by reading the menu ahead of time. Usually, restaurants have their menus and nutritional facts posted on their website. Scour these and pick your meal ahead of time to remove the stress of selecting a quality meal on the fly.

4. Drink Water Before and While Eating

Another tactic for eating out healthy is to drink water before and while you’re eating. The more water you drink, the more full you’ll feel and the less likely you will select unhealthy food. You might even have leftovers.

Plus, studies show that water keeps the body functioning. Drinking it during a meal will make it easier to hit the proper intake number a day.

5. Order First

We, as human beings, are influenced by what others do. If your friends order unhealthy food, you’re likely going to follow suit. Try to get your words down first.

If you can’t order first, do your best to pick a menu item ahead of time and stick to it. Have no unhealthy back-ups – make your order your priority.

6. Put Sauces on the Side

According to one study, most sauces are tasty but contain excessive calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats. If your meal has a sauce, ask to put it on the side.

Sauce on the side makes it easier to manage. Instead of having it mixed in already, you can add on less than the meal would come with to help your body.

Related: Importance of Nutrition for Healthy Aging

7. Share With a Friend

One of the best ways to tackle eating healthy at restaurants is to split a meal with a friend. Even if you opt for something that isn’t nutrient-dense, you’re still eating half of it instead of going for the entire thing. Plus, you can go through the menu with your pal to pick something you both like.

The best meals to share are sandwiches or other items that are easily splittable. Try to go for something with plenty of colors and protein to fill you up since it’s only half a meal.

an empty restaurant
Image from Unsplash.

8. Pick Tomato-Based Over Cream-Based

If you opt for soup or pasta with a sauce, try to get a liquid that’s tomato-based instead of cream-based. Cream might taste better, but it adds unnecessary calories and sodium you’ll be better off without.

Be careful when picking your soup. Some soups, like harvest or tomato, hide the cream base well. See if there’s a description, or ask the waiter before ordering to be on the safe side.

9. Keep Watch for Sugary Drinks

Studies reveal a link between higher health risks and regular ingestion of sugary beverages. Instead of getting that soda, opt for an unsweet tea or a water with lemon. 

Not to mention, forgoing the drink will save you money. It costs nearly $4 for a beverage in some restaurants. 

10. Eat a Healthy Snack Before You Leave

Finally, when you go out to eat, eat a healthy snack before you leave to serve as a buffer between ordering and getting the food. Not only will you need a smaller plate of food, but you can also spare yourself from the temptation of bread or chips if you’re in an Italian or Mexican place.

Eating a snack in advance is also a great way to get fruits and veggies if your meal doesn’t have either. For instance, a handful of cherry tomatoes is the perfect starter for a pasta dinner.

Final Thoughts

Eating healthy might be tricky, but it’s worth it. Whenever going out to eat, try tactics like eating an appetizer as a meal or sharing it with a friend. It will take a little practice, but you’ll nail it.

As you age, it’s critical to care for your body. Small healthy choices while eating out will make a difference. 

You May Also Enjoy: Easy Recipes for Seniors: Tortilla Soup

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