Home Wellness 11 Ways to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season

11 Ways to Stay Fit During the Holiday Season

a medical chart with a stethoscope on it how to stay fit during the holiday season
Image from Pexels.

The holidays are one of the trickiest times of the year to remain healthy, thanks to all the delicious food and the colder weather outside. However, it’s still vital to exercise during the holidays to stay in the best condition.

There are many ways to keep your body in ideal condition while celebrating with family. Read on to learn more about eleven top ways to keep in excellent shape. 

1. Drink Water

One of the best things you can do for your body is to drink excessive water throughout the day. Water is vital for carrying nutrients throughout your body, assisting digestion, protecting the body, regulating temperature, stopping constipation, and more.

Ideally, an individual should drink at least four to six large glasses of water today. However, that number will vary depending on a person’s size, activity level, and more.  

2. Walk After a Meal 

A simple way to keep up with your activity level is to go for a walk after a good meal, particularly in the evening or after a large holiday event. Walking gets the body’s circulating system in action and helps burn off calories from those large and delicious meals.

Also, walking is an excellent way to work out and socialize at the same time. Get a walking group going or head out with family to keep the motivation levels high. 

Wondering how much physical activity you need? Check out our article on physical activity levels of older adults to find out!

a woman jogging on a asphalt path
Image from Pexels.

3. Use Portion Control

Portion control is one of the best ways to remain fit. It doesn’t mean eating different or much healthier food than before, but it does mean eating slightly less to ensure you aren’t going overboard with your plate.

Excellent ways to use portion control include grabbing a smaller plate, measuring out portions, eating slowly, and drinking water before eating at a meal. It will take time, so try practicing before the holidays roll around. 

4. Keep an Eye on Sugar Intake

Sugar is one of the most dangerous things you can have on your plate, especially if you want to remain fit during the holiday season. Having too much sugar can lead to unwanted weight gain, raise blood pressure, and even create chronic inflammation in the body. It’s a no-go in many ways. 

There’s ample hidden sugar in some of the top holiday treats. Try to limit yourself to one dessert per evening, or consider grabbing fruit instead if you want to keep added sugar to a minimum for your body. 

5. Rest If Traveling

It’s vital to rest while traveling, especially if you’re trekking long distances to visit family and friends. Rest will help keep you relaxed, prevent burnout, and keep your mind and body in one piece. When you have an opportunity, take a nap or sit for a short period. 

One of the most significant benefits of resting while traveling is to lower anxiety and depression. These will benefit weight and other bodily functions, allowing you to remain active when not resting and healthy when it’s time to go back home.  

Related: The 11 Best Fit Gifts this Holiday Season

6. Nourish With a Balance

No matter what you’re eating over the holidays, try to have an excellent balance of food on your plate. You want to have fruits, vegetables, proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, and more to provide proper fuel and nutrition to your body.

A healthy diet should have minimally processed food, protein, limited fats and sugars and sodium, and ample plants. Food must be nutrient-dense to fill you up without excessive calories.

pills in the shape of the word health
Image from Pexels.

7. Maintain Medication Schedule

If you are taking medication, don’t forget to take your pills while on a trip. Missing out on a day or two could hurt the body. Bring your pill box or other tool to remind yourself to take any medications or vitamins you would take at home. Maintaining a medication schedule is a vital piece of the puzzle.

Proper management of medication will keep you in optimal health throughout the holiday season. Missing it could create a dangerous situation or even make your medication ineffective. 

8. Take Health Precautions

During the winter, it’s common for the cold and flu to drift around. If you’re an older adult, you are more prone to illness. Those traveling across the country or visiting large groups of people should do what’s possible to keep their health intact.

Ideal health precautions include washing hands after using the restroom, wearing a mask if sick, and ingesting ample vitamin C while out and about. The more effort put into keeping health intact, the more fit the body can remain. 

9. Sleep Often

Good sleep is a vital aspect of remaining healthy and fit during the holiday season. If you’re tired, you won’t be able to recover or work out while you’re spending time with family and friends. Even though it can be exciting to stay up, getting at least seven hours of sleep in the evening will serve you well in fitness. 

Sleep lowers your risk of chronic disease, prepares you for the next day, and lowers your risk of experiencing significant health problems. You won’t want to sleep the day away, but get a solid number of hours for optimal health. 

10. Limit Alcohol

Although not everyone drinks alcohol, if you do, it’s an excellent idea to limit it. Limiting alcohol can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. There’s also some evidence that limiting alcohol can lower the risk of certain cancers. 

There are ample ways to limit alcohol consumption. Ask someone to hold you accountable, make fun mocktails with friends, or ask loved ones if they can keep it out of the home while you’re together. 

11. Get Out in the Sun

Finally, ensure you get out in the sun to remain fit and healthy during the holidays. A moderate amount of sun exposure every day can help improve vitamin D levels and add to bone health. 

While out in the sun, it isn’t a bad idea to wear sunscreen. However, ensure there are a few moments when you’re soaking up the rays with a quick walk or a stroll outside in the morning. 

Want to try yoga this holiday season? Check out our guide for how to get started with yoga!

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