Home Caregiving 7 Signs Your Parents Need More Help

7 Signs Your Parents Need More Help

7 signs your parents need more help. an elderly couple exiting a grocery store with a cart
Image by Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash.

Aging is a part of life, and it’s easy for years to sneak up as you get older. If you have older parents that live by themselves, everything can seem okay until it’s not. Once they reach a certain age and stage of life, it may become impossible for them to complete the once-easy tasks they could do with little issue before.

There are some indications you should keep an eye out for that reveal it may be time to provide more assistance to your parents. Keep reading as we dive into seven signs you might spot that prove your parents are moving into a stage of life where they need help. You can love them to the best of your ability and ensure they are comfortable and safe.

1. Disorganized Yard and Home

One of the signs of aging is a disorganized yard and home. Of course, some people are just messy. However, if you notice more clutter than usual around the house, it might mean they aren’t able to clean well.

Signs of disorganization might include the following:

  • An unmown lawn
  • Dirt and grime on the carpet
  • Small items all over the grounds

These may show an inability to pick up items or push large mechanisms. 

A home with clutter and overgrowth they cannot work with might lead to a lower quality of life. No one wants to be surrounded by a mess, especially if they can’t clean it alone.

2. Unpaid Bills

Unpaid bills or bounced checks might be another clear sign your parents need more assistance. They may not know how to work the system or may be forgetting when their bills are due.

It’s necessary to pay on time for water, electricity, and other vital parts of your parents’ life. Memory loss typically occurs with aging, but severe forms may indicate something more serious lurking in your parents’ lives.

Your parents may need someone to remind them to pay their bills. That might mean a physical person or a reminder system to alert them during the right moments of the day.

3. Reduced Hygiene 

If you notice a lack of hygiene, your parents might not be able to clean themselves up well anymore. They might forget to shower or could lack the ability to reach certain areas. It might be a struggle to put on clothes or brush their hair.

Reduced hygiene could be due to the following:

  • Inability to complete basic tasks due to pair or movement issues
  • Forgetfulness
  • Lack of ability to gather hygienic products

These may manifest themselves into something you notice with your parents.

Your parents might need someone to run to the store to grab hygienic products. However, in other cases, they might need assistance to wash and clean themselves every day, in which case they may need a little more help. 

4. Forgetfulness 

Many aging parents become forgetful as they age. They might forget to take their pills in the morning and evening, forget tasks they need to do, and forget items they agreed to. In extreme cases, they might forget names.

Some of these items are less serious, like forgetting to put their shirt on the right way. Other things are more critical, like forgetting to refill a subscription. They may need something or someone to remind them or may need to live around someone who will ensure they get critical medication and other items throughout the day.

5. Unexplained Bruising and Injuries

One of the signs your parents need a nursing home is unexplained bruising and injuries. Although they might brush it away as nothing, there is a chance these injuries are occurring because they are falling or running into things more often than usual.

Your parents may need something to assist with walking around the home. They might need a caretaker inside the house. If they have stairs, it might be a good idea to move them to a place where there aren’t stairs they can fall down.

6. Less Fresh Food In The Home

One sign you might need help for aging parents is if they have less fresh food in the refrigerator. As couples age, they may go for easy-to-cook frozen food they can pop in the oven. While there are some excellent choices, many of these meals lack the nutritional value that aging bodies need.

Your parents might need someone to grocery shop for them and even meal prep for the week and cook. They also might benefit from a driver taking them to the store every week. Fresh food is vital for proper nutrients and health, especially as a person ages.

7. Change In General Mood

Finally, you might note changes in the general mood of your parents. If they seem more down or anxious about their life, it could indicate their quality of living has declined. They might need assistance to perform basic tasks to make their lives better.

Changes in general mood might include:

  • More anxiousness than usual
  • Seeming down and somber
  • Serious doubts and insecurities
  • Lack of interest in usual enjoyments

Any of these may indicate a need for further assistance in the home.

Many factors might contribute to these feelings of sadness. They might feel isolated, tired from dealing with chronic pain from illnesses, and even struggling with nothing to do. Even loss of mobility will have serious mental repercussions on your aging parents as they lose the ability to move like they did before.

What To Do With Signs of Aging

It might feel scary to notice signs of aging, but it’s a natural part of life. There are many indicators you will note if your parents need help. Look for signs of disorganization, injuries, a lack of order in the home, and changes in their mood for indications of a need for more help in their daily lives.

There are plenty of options to help with your aging parents. You can turn to technological innovations, move in with them, hire an assistant to move into their home or look into assisted living options. You can even choose to have your parents live with you. Speak with your parents and honestly communicate your worries to ensure you make the best choice together for a happy future.

Need help to care for your aging parents or not sure what to do next? Check out our list of Resources for Caring For Aging Parents to learn about government agencies and associations in your area that might be able to help. 

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