Home Wellness Recipes for Seniors Easy Recipes for Seniors:Homemade Pizza
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Easy Recipes for Seniors:Homemade Pizza

a cooked homemade pizza on an oven rack
Image by Hope Davis.

Pizza is an all-time favorite comfort food for many, and it’s easy to see why. It’s delicious, and you can pick the exact toppings you want to suit your mood, diet, and more. While it isn’t the healthiest, cooking pizza at home can be a healthier alternative to ordering it and a good way to bond with kids and grandkids.

Although you may not realize it, thanks to pre-made pizza doughs available in most stores, it is actually easier to make pizza at home than you may think. Plus, it’ll save you money and allow you to make a healthier version than those available in take-out restaurants. As long as you have an oven, you can definitely make pizza at home.

When made at home, it’s possible to make pizza a fully balanced meal as long as you include lots of healthy toppings and keep an eye on the amount of cheese you add. Pizza can easily be adjusted to suit any dietary preference, from gluten-free, to dairy-free, and we made ours vegetarian.

Ready to learn more about how to make a tasty and healthy pizza at home? Keep reading.

Ingredients for Homemade Pizza:

  • 1 prepackaged pizza crust (choose gluten-free if you need it)
  • 1 jar of tomato sauce
  • 1 small can of tomato paste
  • Sliced mushrooms (can buy pre-sliced)
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/2lb Ground beef (we used plant-based Beyond Meat)
  • 1 jar green olives (pre-sliced if available)
  • 3-4 cups pre-shredded mozzarella cheese (can choose dairy-free cheese if needed)
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp Onion powder
  • 1 tbsp Italian Seasoning
  • 1 tbsp Oregano
  • 1 tbsp Basil
  • A few sliced jalapenos (optional)
all of the ingredients for homemade pizza sitting on the counter
Image by Hope Davis.

**As you can see, we chose lots of fresh vegetables to make this a healthy meal. Your pizza should include several vegetables, though they don’t have to be the ones listed here. Other options include: Artichokes, spinach, broccoli, radishes, carrots, black olives, tomato, cucumber, squash, and more!

How to Make Homemade Pizza (Step by Step)

Start by slicing and chopping any ingredients you couldn’t find pre-cut. This includes the mushrooms, bell pepper, onion, olives, and jalapenos or any vegetable replacements you plan to use.

slicing mushrooms on a white cutting board
Image by Hope Davis.

Place the raw ground beef in a skillet with the 1 tbsp olive oil and sauté until browned. Once browned, add the second tablespoon of olive oil as well as the garlic powder, onion powder, and Italian seasoning and stir until blended well. Remove from the heat and set aside.

browning the ground beef in a pan
Image by Hope Davis.

Preheat the oven to the temperature listed on the pizza crust package. Open the pizza crust and unroll it, if needed, onto a sheet of baking paper. If it’s gluten-free, it is likely already flat and just needs to be placed on a pan or baking paper.

rolling out pizza dough
Image by Hope Davis.

Pour the sauce, as well as the tomato paste, onto the crust and spread around using the back of a spoon. Try to make it as evenly spread as possible and leave 1 inch of space on all sides. Grandkids can help with this step.

spreading tomato sauce on a pizza crust
Image by Hope Davis.

Sprinkle 1 cup of mozzarella cheese sparsely over the sauce. This small bit of cheese will act as glue for the toppings.

the first layer of cheese on a pizza
Image by Hope Davis.

Start placing your toppings on the pizza one by one. We recommend starting with the larger items, like the mushrooms and ground beef, then moving to the smaller ones like the onions, bell peppers, olives, and jalapenos. Grandkids can help with this step.

putting toppings on homemade pizza
Image by Hope Davis.

Once all the toppings are on, add the rest of the mozzarella cheese, spreading it evenly over all of the toppings.

adding another layer of cheese to the pizza
Image by Hope Davis.

To finish off your pizza, sprinkle the basil and oregano evenly over all parts of the pizza.

adding seasoning to a pizza
Image by Hope Davis.

Place the pizza in the oven and set the timer as directed on the pizza crust package. Check back frequently, as ovens do vary.

a large pizza in an oven
Image by Hope Davis.

Once the cheese is nice and melted and the crust is golden brown, remove your pizza from the oven and allow it to cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing.

a cooked homemade pizza on an oven rack
Image by Hope Davis.

Slice your pizza based on your preferences, serve, and enjoy!

Variations of Homemade Pizza

As mentioned above, you can vary the toppings on your pizza. It’s important, however, to keep as many vegetables as possible to keep this a balanced dish. Additionally, you should not put any processed meats that contain nitrates on your pizza (i.e., ham, sausage, salami, or pepperoni) as these meats are associated with negative health effects like colorectal cancer. Instead, choose fresh meats like ground beef or shredded chicken.

Tips for Homemade Pizza

  • Make Extra: Homemade pizza saves and reheats well. This means you can double the recipe and enjoy leftover pizza later in the week.
  • Cook One Pizza at a Time: Home ovens aren’t made for the mass production of pizza. Even if you plan to make 2 pizzas, only cook one at a time.
  • Have Helpers: Homemade pizza is fun to make, and there are many jobs for small helpers. Enlist grandkids of every age to help when they come over before dinner time!

What to Serve With Homemade Pizza

As we mentioned above, this pizza variation is a balanced meal in and of itself. If you want to eat something with your pizza, however, we recommend making a green salad to accompany it.

How to Store Leftover Pizza

Once cooled, leftover pizza can be wrapped in foil and placed in the fridge. It stays good for 3-5 days.

How to Reheat Homemade Pizza

Homemade pizza is best reheated in the microwave or by setting the oven to 360°F and placing the pizza on the center rack for 10-15 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and hot.

Check Out These Other Easy Recipes for Seniors:

Recipe Card

a cooked homemade pizza on an oven rack
Image by Hope Davis.

Homemade Pizza

Yield: 4-6

Time: 40 minutes (20 minutes prep, 20 minutes cooking)


1. Chop or slice all of the ingredients you plan to use.

2. Brown ground beef in a pan, seasoning with olive oil, garlic, onion, and Italian seasoning.

3. Preheat the oven to the temperature specified on your pizza dough.

4. Roll out dough onto wax paper and place on an oven rack or pan.

5. Spread sauce and tomato paste over the crust, leaving about an inch of space on each side.

6. Sprinkle 1 cup of mozzarella cheese on the sauce.

7. Add your pizza toppings, the largest first and the smallest last.

8. Sprinkle the remaining cheese on the pizza.

9. Sprinkle Basil and Oregano on top of the cheese.

10. Place the pizza in the oven (middle rack) and set a timer based on the crust instructions.

11. Monitor the pizza and remove it from the oven when the crust is golden brown.

12. Allow the pizza to cool a bit, then slice, serve, and enjoy!

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