Home Physical Fitness How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?
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How Much Physical Activity Do Older Adults Need?

how much physical activity do older adults need? a man tying his shoe next to weights and water bottle.
Image from Unsplash.

As you become an older adult, one of the best things you can do for your body is to provide physical activity. There should typically be muscle-strengthening techniques, some cardio throughout the week, and other various forms of working out that provide excellent physical activity to the body. How much of this working out do older adults need? 

If you’re looking to learn more about how much physical activity older adults need, you’re in the right place. We’re going to dive into the various age groups senior adults fall into and what the recommendations are for each segment. Also, we’ll touch on some of the best workouts older adults can participate in in their later years.

Physical Activity Recommendations for 50-60 Years

When checking out exercises for seniors, it’s vital to divide each group up by decades. Technically, 50-60-year-olds fall into the same category as 80-90-year-olds, but those in the younger age category have far more mobility (typically) than those in the older. Thus, variations in recommendations are necessary.

Those who are in the 50-60 age group should perform the following weekly workouts:

  • At least 150 minutes of brisk working out in the week, such as quick walking
  • Two days of activities a week that work to strengthen muscles
  • An activity to improve balance, like yoga or tai chi

These will keep the body in excellent physical condition.

Some 50-60-year-olds are more active than others, so they might want to complete 75 minutes of vigorous working out a week, like intense hiking, instead of 150 minutes of moderate movement. The better you keep up with your working out process, the easier it will be to remain in excellent condition as you add on years to your life. 

two people hiking a mountain
Image from Unsplash.

Physical Activity Recommendations for 60-70 Years

Although working out won’t keep you young forever, it’s also a vital item if you want to remain in excellent physical condition for many more years. Those who are in the 60-70-year-old category should follow the same routine as the 50-60 age group, but at a slower pace to accommodate a body getting older.

This category can better their working out through items like:

  • Eating more protein
  • Utilizing resistance bands
  • Slowly increasing intensity
  • Eating healthy
  • Starting yoga or tai chi

The 60-70-year-old age category is when things will start to change, as you enter the oldest years of your life. It’s still ideal to have at least 150 minutes of brisk working out and two days of strength training and balance, along with ample stretching and cooling down between varying movements.

Related: How to Get Started With Yoga

Physical Activity Recommendations for 70-80 Years

As an adult getting old, regular working out will help you reach the 70-80-year category with ease. At this point in your life, it’s far better to work out on the regular than it is to try something new that will hurt you. Keep up with the 150 minutes of brisk working out a week and the strength training to keep your body in peak condition.

Some ideas for moderate activities include the following:

  • Water aerobics 
  • Dancing
  • Riding a bike
  • Pushing a lawn mower
  • Gardening

As you age, your body will too. Test out various forms of working out to determine what works best for your life. No two people are the same, which means everyone will have different tastes in what works for them. The longer you work out, the easier it will be to remain consistent in your 70s-80s.

Physical Activity Recommendations for 80-90 Years

The 80-90-year-old category and beyond is the oldest you can become, and most of those who reach this point are already healthy and in shape. Although it might seem easy to give up, keep up with these excellent habits to retain an excellent quality of life for far longer than those who refuse to work out. 

Some of the best forms of working out for adults in these later years of life are walking, lifting small weights, and even working out with a physical trainer. It’s more vital than anything at this point in life to refrain from pushing the body too hard. 

Again, you must test yourself to see what’s possible in your later years of life. If something hurts, don’t push it and try something else.

Related: 10 Best Exercises for Seniors (65+)

a woman sitting on a beach doing yoga
Image from Pixabay.

What Are the Best Workouts for Older Adults?

When considering senior exercise, it’s helpful to know some of the best selections for older adults. Younger individuals might be able to take on items like cross-country marathons and mile swims with ease, but there are different forms of working out that older adults should enjoy. Let’s go over a few of the best selections for an aging body.

For example, here are some of the best core workouts for older adults:

  • Bridges
  • Planks
  • Opposite arm and leg raises

These will benefit the core without straining the body too much.

Other popular forms of working out for seniors include aerobics, pilates, yoga, hiking, walking, dumbbell training, and more. Anything that works the body without putting too much stress on the body is ideal. If you work too hard and strain yourself, you won’t be able to move your body any better than before. Keep from harming yourself by taking it as slow as possible. 

Final Thoughts

Typically, the recommendation for every category is to take on at least 150 minutes of brisk working out per week and at least two days of strength training, along with incorporating some balancing practice throughout the week. The older you get, the easier you should be on your body to keep it in excellent condition. 

We hope this information was valuable! Although it can become tricky for individuals to move as they get older, it’s still vital to keep up with physical activity, even through the 80s and 90s. The more you’re able to move, the easier it will be to keep up with your body and the various natural impacts that come with the years.

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