Home Social Platforms for Staying Connected for Seniors

Platforms for Staying Connected for Seniors

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Image from Unsplash.

According to one study, staying connected is beneficial to your health – which means seniors should try to stay connected with the world around them. Unfortunately, it can be tricky for many seniors to get out of their homes. That’s where the internet comes in, with many platforms boasting an opportunity to remain connected with others and things to do.

There are many exciting places for seniors to stay connected, from classic social media platforms to websites designed to provide new and exciting opportunities for seniors. Keep reading to learn about some top platforms for seniors to stay connected, from Facebook to MeetUp.

Related: Why Staying Socially Connected is Important As You Age

Facebook/Facebook Groups

One of the best ways to find others for the older generation is by accessing Facebook for seniors. Facebook is a place where seniors can do everything from posting updates on their timelines to joining interest groups where they can chat with people who love the same things they do.

Here are a few examples of Facebooks groups seniors might enjoy:

  • Sassy Seniors
  • Senior Citizen
  • All Things Seniors

Different older adults can have fun in each of these group selections.

Groups are just one part of the fun. Facebook will increase elder financial literacy, opening access to unique features like Facebook games, Marketplace, and creativity with every single post they make. Facebook is a staple social media platform for a reason. 

Related: How to Use Facebook

the instagram logo on a pink background
Image from Unsplash.


According to one study, social networks can help mitigate the loneliness that often comes with isolation in the later years of life. One of the best choices when considering social media for seniors is Instagram

Instagram uniquely permits connectivity. Older adults can post stories, videos, carousels, images, and more, interact with content posted by their friends, and access creativity by their own means.

Another benefit – many younger individuals use Instagram, so seniors will be able to use the same platform as their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. Instagram might not be as tailored to an older audience as something like Facebook, but it’s worth the slight learning curve for ample connection opportunities.

Well Connected

Well Connected is a community based on the phone, offering an option for seniors who want to use technology but aren’t ready to dive into something as complex as a social media platform. 

Here’s how a senior can get themselves on Well Connected:

  • Call the toll-free Well Connected number
  • Gather information about conference calls
  • Access up to 70 weekly conference calls a week

These conference calls are led by a facilitator to ensure everything goes smoothly. Through the phone, seniors can connect to other older adults and learn new things while they socialize. They can talk about books, learn to knit, cook, and more, all in groups that typically don’t go over twelve to lower the chaos of the experience for an older age group. 

Virtual Senior Center

You’ve heard of a physical senior center – but what about one that’s online? When it comes to senior friendship sites, you need to check out Virtual Senior Center. It’s a community centered around learning online, offering seniors the chance to interact with others and learn at the same time.

The cost varies from free to a low price point depending on the situation. Seniors get to chat through video conferences and gain skills through classes focused on gaming, arts, travel, acting, technology, news, life skills, and more.

Related: How Does Seasonal Depression Affect Seniors?


According to one study, learning a new hobby is tied to well-being and general happiness. Thus, like Facebook groups for seniors, older adults can go onto YouTube and find a niche for a subject or activity they are interested in. There’s an enormous amount of content on these platforms, enough to keep any older adult interacting with their environment with ease. 

Types of things seniors can learn on YouTube include:

  • Knitting
  • Drawing
  • Cooking
  • Socializing

Watching videos on YouTube can help seniors feel like they are part of a community and keep their brains in motion by trying new things they see demonstrated in the content. Also, YouTube provides a way to see the world while still staying in the comfort of a bedroom. YouTube might not have a direct connection to others, but it’s a connection nonetheless. 

a man using facebook on a computer and a phone
Image from Unsplash.


Seniors are the oldest adults, so they have the most life experience. Sometimes, they have no one to tell their stories to. Platforms like Blogger provide a way for writing-centric seniors to detail their lives or write down their history in a manner that allows it to be shared with others on the internet.

There is a huge option for connection here, especially if the writer has family members or peers who want to keep up with their words. It provides an opportunity for unique exposure and even betterment of technology skills for older adults who need to ease into computer usage. 


Last up is MeetUp, a platform excellent for connection for any age group. MeetUp allows seniors to look up local events and activities that fit their interests, whether that has to do with their age group or hobbies.

For example, there are Senior Italian MeetUp groups, Senior Knitting groups, and more. Seniors can examine the options and look for events in their area. Seniors can even make their group if there isn’t something that fits their interests.MeetUp is an incredible place to find like-minded peers, which is an excellent solution to loneliness. 

Final Thoughts

There are tons of options available when looking for a platform to stay connected as a senior. Some of our recommendations include Facebook, Facebook Groups, Instagram, Well Connected, Virtual Senior Center, YouTube, Blogger, and MeetUp. There are options for speaking with others, posting about your life, and even taking on a new hobby.

We hope this information was beneficial! Whether you’re a senior yourself or looking to help out an older loved one, there are ample opportunities available for staying connected on the internet. It might take some trial and error, but staying connected as an older adult will only bring good things.

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