Home Social Why Everyone Should See a Therapist (At Every Age)

Why Everyone Should See a Therapist (At Every Age)

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Therapy is becoming more common than ever, with access for people online and in person. However, there is a stigma with therapy. Although it’s accessible to anyone, most think you need to have a struggle to participate in this endeavor. There are several reasons why anyone of any age category should hire a therapist for their lives.

If you’re ready to learn why everyone can benefit from a therapist, you’re in the right place. No matter your age or your life circumstances, there are always good things you can get from a therapist. Let’s dive into some of the top reasons you might want to make therapy a regular part of your schedule. 

Improvement of Communication Skills 

One of the best reasons to see a therapist is to improve communication skills. The better you get at talking to a person and speaking about your feelings, the easier it will be to talk to others in the future. If anything, having a weekly hangout with your therapist will make it much easier to connect with others in the future.

This skill can be especially beneficial if you’re making massive life changes, such as moving into a retirement community where you will be surrounded by a big group of new people you don’t know. With weekly practice with someone you become comfortable with, it will be very simple to foster new connection points.

a man sitting on a couch therapy
Image from Unsplash.

Maintenance and Support

Therapy shouldn’t just be a place you go after you’ve hit a breaking point. It can also be an opportunity to maintain a healthy life and provide a support system for when things get tough. You can inform a therapist of where you are in life, and they can assist you with a listening ear, a helping hand, and advice to take on the journey ahead.

It’s always best to get ahead of the problem instead of tackling it when it arrives. That might mean talking about your feelings, creating an action plan for areas where you know you are vulnerable, and planning for the future, especially if you are someone in your older years. There should be no stigma against preparing for life. 

Coping With Loss

Coping with the loss of a loved one is something many people will go through, and it can be hard – there are typically five stages of grief one must conquer to overcome this emotional undertaking. Preparing to deal with loss is especially beneficial for someone in their senior years, as they tend to deal with more loss than the average person.

Having a therapist can help you prepare to handle significant loss or cope with losses that have already taken place. It’s healthy to grieve, but some can quickly spiral into an unhealthy grieving process that feels like a heavy burden on their life. With a therapist, it will be much easier to come out on the other side in one piece. 

Dealing With Changes

Everyone experiences life changes, some more dramatic than others. Some are also better at handling these changes. If you need assistance dealing with a change or know you need to be equipped with skills to prepare for upcoming life changes, a therapist is an excellent consideration, no matter how old you are. 

Change is tricky to handle, whether you’re a young person preparing to move across the country or a new widow in her later years, learning to navigate a new life without her spouse. A good therapist provides a solid foundation you can come back to as you learn to deal with the circumstances life has to throw at you. 

Related: The Benefits of Therapy As You Age

two hands reaching for each other
Image from Unsplash.

Helpful Advice for Any Situation

One of the best abilities of therapists is that they are skilled at offering advice and tips for getting through a variety of life circumstances. If you are someone who is experiencing life (which is anyone) a therapist can be by your side throughout the various ups and downs of a standard life experience.

It’s normal to seek advice from your close friends or loving family, but there might come a time when they only have so much assistance to provide. Therapists are another excellent source to turn to, and they often have more life experience and training to help you navigate the ups and downs of crucial moments. 

Assistance With Chronic Conditions

Unfortunately, chronic conditions can impact anyone – especially those in their older years. It can be uncomfortable to handle the pain, but on top of that, there are extreme mental struggles associated with chronic conditions. According to one study, youth in particular are prone to mental illness from dealing with their conditions. 

If you have a chronic condition or have recently developed one, it helps to have someone whose job is to always be in your corner, supporting you and providing helpful assistance along the way. It’s easy to drown in your sorrows when facing a chronic condition, and a therapist will help you see the other side.

Related: How Does Seasonal Depression Affect Seniors?

Having Someone to Talk To

Humans seem to be naturally hard-wired to be social animals. Even the most introverted of people still need someone to talk to every once in a while, which can be tricky for those who feel like they are alone in life. It’s easy to connect with a therapist and they provide a shoulder to lean on and a friend to chat with as you go about your life.

According to one study, the simple act of talking to other people can stimulate a multitude of brain functions, especially in the minds of older adults. This statement even seems to be true if the interactions that happen occur on the internet. You can visit a therapist online or in person – there will still be ample social benefits for the mind along the way.

a man with his head in his hands
Image from Unsplash.

Handling Family Troubles

Family troubles are perhaps one of the most tricky items to navigate in life, as they feel very personal and impossible to explain to those around you. Whether it’s dealing with your spouse and children or more distant family members, a therapist is there with the experience and training to guide you into the next steps. 

Also, therapy is an excellent environment to bring in the entire family. It’s a safe place to interact. Spouses can especially benefit from therapy if they struggle with how they interact, as a therapist can observe their dynamic and make necessary suggestions as they observe what happens. A therapist is a must for family assistance. 

Mental Health Struggles 

Mental health struggles are another reason someone might benefit from a therapist, no matter how old you are. According to one study, not handling negative thoughts and emotions can have a critical impact on your body and mental state and will eventually leak out and impact other areas of your life. It’s never a good idea to keep things bottled inside.

There are ample mental health conditions out there, and most of them are easily helped by using medication and therapy. A therapist is a solid first step in the process of getting the assistance you need and then deciding further movements forward from there. Even if your mental health struggles are minor, a therapist is an excellent person to have on your side. 

Feelings of Losing Control

It’s easy for life to slip out from under us, no matter how old you are. If it feels like you’re in too deep and have lost control, you will benefit from a therapist. It’s too much for the average person, young or old, to try to pull things together mentally all by themselves.

A therapist is a better way to speak your problems aloud and receive comfort. They can help you regain the balance and control you need for success.

Assistance With Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms 

Finally, a therapist is an excellent choice if you have unhealthy coping mechanisms for all life throws at you. These might even be things you think are fine, but they could spiral into something worse later – such as drinking and smoking. Coping mechanisms can quickly turn unhealthy if they are addictive or harmful in nature.

It can feel impossible to deal with big emotions, such as grief or extreme anger. However, turning to addictive means can quickly spiral into something much more extreme in the years to follow. They will provide much better ways to cope with what you are going through that are sustainable.

Final Thoughts

Although it might seem intimidating, there are many reasons why anyone of any age should visit a therapist. You might be struggling to deal with change, arguing with family members, or battling with unhealthy coping mechanisms. No matter what, a therapist is an excellent person to have on your side.

Older adults will especially benefit from a therapist. They will have assistance in navigating some of the turmoils that come with aging and a way to practice communication and other life skills that will set up a pathway to success later down the line. 

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